Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving-some ideas.

Here is a Thanksgiving  prayer from Austin Fleming .  It is written for those grieving at this time of year.

In it can be found several ideas to help with grief (  in addition to prayer). 

Dear God,

There is an empty chair at our table,

an ache in our hearts

and tears on our faces.
Acknowledge the absence and the feelings. It is not life as usual.

We may try to shield one another

from the grief we bear

but we cannot hide it from you.
Share with those who also grieve.

We pray for (names)

whose presence we miss

in these homecoming days.

Open our hearts and minds

to the healing and warmth

of the light of your presence.

We pray, Lord, and we trust

that those we miss

have found their place at your table,

their home in your heart.
Examine your spiritual beliefs and embrace what brings you comfort.

Open our hearts to joyful memories

of the love we shared

with those who have gone before us.
SHARE memories.

Help us tell the stories

that make present the past

and bring us close again

to those we miss.
Tell stories.

Teach us to lean on each other

and on you, Lord,

for the strength we need

to walk through difficult times.
Ask for and ACCEPT help.

Give us quiet moments

with you, with our thoughts,

with our memories and prayers.
Allow yourself quite time.

Be with us, Lord,

and hold us in your arms

even as you hold those

who have gone before us.

Help us to trust that one day

we shall be with those we love

when your mercy gathers us together

in the joy of the life you promise us.

This is the day you have made, Lord:

help us to rejoice in it
Practice mindfulness.

and in the promise of your peace.
