- Pull yourself together.
- It's time that you were "getting over it" now.
- Don't make any changes for a year.
- You need to think of only the happy times
Those around you feel discomfort at your sadness and want it to end-for your sake as well as theirs.
Grief is a PROCESS. Take your time. YOUR thoughts and needs will change many times. YOU are the best judge. YOU will decide when the time has come to let go. When to close that chapter of your life and when to concentrate on a new one. In life there are many endings and beginnings. There is a time to stop and grieve and a time to start living again. Only you will know the difference.
In time YOU will recognize the endings of your grief and the beginnings of a new life.
And your friends will be relieved but may still be grief struck because you have gone through your process, but have they?
(adapted from Surviving a Journey Through Grief by Paula Brindley, 2006)