Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't Withdraw Yourself

Think about when you are afraid or anxious about something. What happens in your body?  What happens in your mind?   Fear is a stress reaction.  It is programmed into us for survival in the not so distant primitive past.  Breathing becomes restricted, our muscles tighten, our concentration narrows-everything about us withdraws and becomes pinpointed. If we were running away from a sabre- toothed tiger that would be great, but if we are grieving a loss, fight or flight actually keeps us distanced from the very things we need to heal the wound-connection and rest.

Fortunately, we are also programmed to be social and communal animals. Feeling loved, heard, and cared for allays fear.  We relax, we are able to breathe more easily and deeply.  We are able to be more optimistic.

Find your tribe-be with people who know you and can honor your woundedness. Allow yourself to be quiet and present in the here and now.  Rest your body.  Rest your mind.  And your soul.