Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yoga and Grief

Anyone who has experienced grief knows it is a "full-body" experience. It's impact is felt on the physical, emotional and psychological planes. Common reactions to loss include increased heart rate and blood pressure, fast, shallow breathing, loss of appetite, lowered immunity, balance and coordination problems,  sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression and difficulty concentrating.

There are many documented benefits, spanning physical, psychological and emotional positive effect, attributed to yoga. Among the positive attributes of a yoga practice is lowered pulse rates, and blood pressure, enhanced breathing-deeper and slower, normalized gastrointestinal function, improved immune-response, improved sleep, improved and integrated coordination, improved mood, decreased depression and increased concentration.

Poses often recommended for grief support include: heart opening poses, back bends, standing balance poses, supported poses, fish pose, camel pose, bow pose, poses performed closer to the Earth-half pigeon,  sirsasana, gentle twists and alternate nostril breathing.

If you are grieving a loss and yoga appeals to you, look for teacher you connect with and a studio that is comfortable for you, and give it a try.